Fee Setting - This option is used to set the fees of students for the current session.
Note:- Before doing the fee settings of students make sure that the class fee structure has been set from Class Fee option of Admin module.
Follow the below mentioned steps to set fees of students -
- Click on Fee Module.
- Click on Fee Setting option.
- Search the student by
- Reg No
- Sr No
- Name
- Select Class Wise option.
- Select ☑ Shift [▼], ☑ Class [▼], ☑ Stream [▼] (only for higher classes), ☑ Section [▼] to search the student.
Note - The students whose fees are not set will be highlighted with blue color.
- Select the student whose fees you want to set (selected students will be highlighted with yellow color).
- Go to Class Fee Structure section.
- Click on the checkbox in Active column to active the particular fee head for the student (example - Admission Fee, Bus Fee, Late Fine, etc).
- If student is using the transport facility then to set the transport fees of student.
- Go to Apply Setting section.
- Click on Set Transport Fee checkbox.
- Select the area or stop from Area or Stop list from where the student is using transport facility
- Click on Save button to save the fee settings.
- Following message will be displayed.