New Entry - This option is used for deposit the fees of students.
- Before depositing the fees of student please make sure that the class fee structure of that class has been set from go to Class Fee option of Admin module.
- Also make sure that you have allowed the fees of student from Fee Setting option of Fee Module.
Follow the below mentioned steps to deposit the fees of student
- Click on Fee Installment module.
- Click on New Entry option.
- Following Window opens.

- Search Student via Reg No or Sr No. ( Enter Reg No or Sr No and click on Search button)
- The student record will show on blank boxes.
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- Click on Find student button to search students. ( If you don't have Reg No. or Sr No.)
- Here you can find the student by the different type of searching.
- Select All to show all records.
- Or select Shift [▼], Class [▼], Stream [▼] and Section [▼] to filter the students record.
- Or write the name in the blank box to search by name.
- Select Reg No, Sr No, Name, Father Name, Address (M), Mob No (M) Address (P) Mob No (P) to sort record by these options.
- Double click on the student whose fees you want to deposit.
- After searching for student select Pay Month for which you want to deposit the fees.
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- Click on Calculate Fee to calculate the total fee.
- After clicking Calculate Fee button all fees are displayed in blank boxes.
- The fee structure will displayed on the right side as follows.
- Now fill Paid Amount in Paid field.
- If any Discount is given then fill it in Discount field.
- Fill the reason for the discount in the Narration field.
- Click on Submit button to deposit the fees.
Note - As you click on Submit button the fees will be deposited and you cannot cancel it.
- Following window opens.

- Select the Payment Mode by which the student is depositing the fees (Cash, Cheque, etc.)
- Fill the Reference No & Remark (if required).
- If payment mode is cheque then write Bank Name.
- Now click on Save button.
Note- To set payment mode go to Payment Mode option of Admin module.
- After clicking on Save button a new window will open with this message- "Fee Submit Successfully. Do you want to Print Fee Receipt (Y/N)?"
- Click on Yes button if you want to print the fee receipt.
- Otherwise click on No button if you don't want to print the fee receipt.
- Now click on Print button to Print fee receipt or click on the Export button to export this in pdf or excel format.
