Sibling - This option is used to group two or more students together that belongs to the same family. After making the students sibling you can deposit the fees of those two students at same time.
Follow the below mentioned steps to use Sibling option:-
- Click on Student Module.
- Click on Sibling Option.
- Following window opens
- ☑ Select the checkbox of fields by which you want to search the students.
You can search the students with the help of any of the following fields:-
- ☑ Father's Name
- ☑ Mother's Name
- ☑ Mobile No
Then Click on Search button.
- You can also search the student by directly entering his Registration number in Reg No field or Serial Number in Sr No field.
Then Click on Add button.
- The students will be listed as follows
- ☑ Select the student by clicking on the checkbox.
- Click on Save button to save the siblings records.
- Following message will be displayed.
- If you want to print the Siblings Report then click on Report button to generate the report.
- Following window will opens
- Click on Print button to print the report.
- If you want to export report in pdf, excel, etc format then click on Export button.