Route - This option is used to add / edit / delete transport route for vehicles.
Follow the below mentioned steps to add route -
- Select Route option from Transport Module.
- Following window opens.
- Write Route Name in the respective field.
- Click on Save button.
- The Route you added will be listed as follows:
Follow the below mentioned steps to print route list-
- If you want to print the route list then click on Print button.
- Following window opens.
- Click on Print Preview button to view the report.
- Following window opens.
- Click on print icon to print the report.
Follow the below mentioned steps to edit route -
- If you want to edit the route then select the route you want to edit.
- Click on Edit button.
- Following message will be displayed.
- Click on Yes button.
- In the route field type the new name of the route.
- Click on Update button.
- Following message will be displayed.
- Click on OK button.
Follow the below mentioned steps to delete route -
- If you want to delete the route then select the route you want to delete.
- Click on Delete button.
- Following message will be displayed.
- Click on Yes button.