Reasons Of Occurring This Error And Their Respective Solutions-
The database does not attach in VIDYA software-
To attach database follow these steps-
1- Open Database Tools.
2- Check your database is connected or not.
3- If no database attached then select (browse) database and add.
SQLServer Stop-
If your database attached and you find an error SQL Server Stop then do this-
1- Open SQL Server Configuration Manager.
2- Double-click on SQL Server Services
3- Check that the SQL Server (SQLEXPRESS) Automatic mode is in running state or stopped state.
4- If the automatic mode is in the stopped state then right click on it and select start option.
User Change-
Check your operating system login.
Check SQL Express Instance Name-
1- Go to Server Setting option in Vidya school management software.
2- If here you entered any type of data as User Id or Password, then remove it.