Admit Card - This option is used to Generate class wise Admit Card, Desk Slip and Student List for Exam.
Follow the below mentioned steps to generate Admit Card -
- Click on Exam Module.
- Select Admit Card option.

- Select Shift, Class, Stream, And Section.
- Click on View Student button.
- Student record will show in the right side of computer window.

- Click on allow option to allow admit card to students one by one.
- Or click Select All Student option.
- Select Format for Admit Cards and Desk Slip.
- For creating Admit Card click on Generates Admit Cards button.
- For creating Desk Slip click on Generates Desk Slip button.
- A new window will open. Here you can Print/ Export( in pdf or Excel ) Admit Card/ Desk Slip by clicking on Print/ Export Option.
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- To view Student List click on Student List tab.
- The Students List will be displayed. Click on Print/ Export button to Print/ Export( in pdf or Excel ) the list.

Note- Generation of Admit Card is compulsory to create Marksheet, Admit card Printing is optional.