Modify - This option is used to modify previously created Exam.
Follow the below mentioned steps to Modify Exam -
- Click on Exam Module.
- Select Modify option.
- Select Session.
- Here you can search exam by-
- Exam Type
- Exam Code
- Class wise
- Select the Exam Type
- Or Write Exam Code
- Or Select Class Wise option
- Select Shift, Class, Stream & Section.
- Click on the Search button.
- All exams will be displayed on the right side.

- Now Select any exam which you wan to Edit or Delete.
- All Subjects will be displayed below exams.

- Click on Detail to see exam detail.
- Detail will be shown on a new window.

- Click on Edit button to Edit/ Modify exam.
- A new window will open.
- Write the reason in New Template box for editing this record and click on Add button.
- Select your given reason from Note and click on OK button.

- On clicking the OK button, the editing window will open.
- Here you can edit Exam Term, Exam Code, Start Date, End Date, Max. Marks, Pass Marks, Grace Marks, Start Time, End Time and Date.
- After processing the modification, Click on Add Marks then Click on Update button to update the changes.

Follow the below mentioned steps to Delete Exam -
- Select the Exam that is to be deleted
- Click on Delete button if you want to delete exam.
- Same as in the editing process A new window will open.
- Write the reason in New Template box for deleting this record and click on Add button.
- Select your given reason from Note and click on OK button.

- Your record will be deleted successfully.