Subject Entry - This option is used to add Subjects/ Papers for Exams.
Follow the below mentioned steps to process Subject Entry -
- Click on Exam Module.
- Select Subject Entry option.

- Select Subject to add subjects-
- There are three options in Subject section New, Edit & Delete.
- To add a new Subject click on the New option.
- Select Shift.
- Select Class.
- Select Stream.
- To add a group subject check Group option.
- Select Group.
- If any group not defined click on Add Group option.
- To add the main subject check Main Subject option.
- Select the Main Subject.
- If any Main Subject not defined click on Add Main Subject option.
- Write the Subject Name.
- Click on Add button to add the subject.
- If you want to Edit/ Delete any subject select Edit/Delete option.
- Same as above mention steps do all steps.
- At last click on Update/ Delete button to edit or delete.
- You can see all the added subject on the right side of your Screen in Subject section.
Follow the below mentioned steps to process Paper Entry -
- Select Paper to add paper to the subject like Paper1, Paper2 etc.
- There are three options in Subject section New, Edit & Delete.
- To add new Subject click on the New option.
- Select Shift.
- Select Class.
- Select Stream.
- Select Subject.
- Write Paper name.
- Click on Add button to add the paper.
- Same if you want to Edit/ Delete select Edit/ Delete option and do as above given steps.
- Click on Update/ Delete button.