Manual Atten. - This option is used to save the daily attendance of students.
Follow the below mentioned steps to use manual attendance option -
- Click Attendance module.
- Click on Manual Atten. option.

- Select Shift [▼], Class [▼], Stream [▼] (only for higher classes) , Section [▼] to search the student.
- Click on Load Student button.
- Select Attendance Date [▼].
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- Student record will be listed as follows.
Note - By default all the students will be marked as P in P/ A column which means present. - To mark the students as absent simply click on P in P / A column, the student will be marked as A (absent).
- If any absent student gives leave application then click on checkbox in ☑ Application column.
- Mention the leave application subject (reason for leave) in Remark column.

- Click on Calculate Atten. button to calculate the total attendance of that particular date.
- Click on Save button to save the attendance.
- If you want send SMS to absent students then click on Send SMS button.
- If you want to print attendance report then click on Print button.
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Note - For Sending SMS read this article- Send Message to Absent Students
Note - For printing report read this article- Create/ Print Report in Attendance Module